Ministries >

Total Living Center

Coordinator: Cathy Bigler

One of our favorite ministries that we partner with is The Total Living Center. Our church members serve dinner there the first Thursday of each month from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. If you have never participated in this project, please consider doing so. All have found it to be a very meaningful experience. Please sign up in the Great Room or by contacting the office during office hours. You don't have to be a member to join us!

The Total Living Center is located at 2221 9th St SW, Canton, OH 44706

Phone: 330-455-3663

TLC supports the community in many ways...through food pantries, hair cutting, chiropractic care, meals, spiritually...all with loving, kind, and patient hands. It is our honor to help serve monthly while supporting this worthy cause.